12 Festive Fundraising Ideas to Increase Charitable Giving in the Winter


Creative and Strategic Director - Passionate about working with charities to ensure effective communication with users, supportes and other stakeholders.
Picture of Matt


Creative and Strategic Director - Passionate about working with charities to ensure effective communication with users, supportes and other stakeholders.

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Although not as many people tend to venture outdoors in the Winter compared to the other months, this season still provides a sweet charitable window that charities can take advantage of. People are feeling festive and thankful during the Winter, especially before Christmas, therefore they are much more giving and charitable too. To help get people in the spirit of giving, here are our top 12 winter fundraising ideas!

  1. Snow Removal Services

Although it might be cold, people love to get out into the community to help others, so provide a community service and fundraise at the same time. You’ll need volunteers, shovels, and maybe wheelbarrows to dispose of the snow, as well as a number that the community can call for the service. Now all that is left to do is to clear the snow from driveways, pavements, pathways, and roofs, and don’t forget to get your volunteers to sign a liability waiver!

  1. Winter Craft Workshop

A great family activity for the Winter, you can host a craft workshop where you can bake cookies, make wreaths, decorate Christmas tree skirts, make your own baubles, or even design your own Christmas cards. You can either charge for entry or just collect donations, but you can be sure that everyone will have lots of fun.

  1. Santa Run

This is such a fun activity and you’ll be surprised by just how many people will want to get involved. With a running event, you can charge for participation as well as helping each registrant create personal fundraising pages. Provide your participants with a five-piece Santa suit, a runner goodie bag, and medal, and enjoy thousands of Santa’s running for your cause.

  1. Ugly Sweater Party

This is an easy and fun event to encourage people to participate in. You can either host your own Winter fundraiser, sell tickets, and host a bake sale or raffle, or you can encourage offices, schools and other organisations to host their own parties and fundraise for your charity.

  1. Santa Visit

A Santa visit will be a guaranteed hit with the children, so rent a public space, charge an entry fee and make many family’s Christmas. You can even take photos and have them printed on the spot, or provide presents for the children.

  1. Toy Drive

Host a toy drive to allow the community to give to the needy this Christmas. Collect donations from people either new or old toys, gift cards, clothes, shoes, and coats for children and even monetary donations. You can then provide each donor with a report of how their contribution helped in the New Year.

  1. Say no to naughties

With New Year resolutions coming up, why not encourage people to start early and get sponsored for it? People are more likely to stick to their resolutions if they are getting support so encourage giving up some naughties for a period of time (e.g. chocolate, alcohol, sweets) and donating the money that they have saved to your cause.

  1. Mulled Cider, Beer or Wine Tasting

Food and drinks are always the easiest way to fundraise, so consider partnering with one of your community’s adult-beverage manufacturers or a local business for a tasting event. People love mulled drinks in the Winter so host an event and charge for attendance. You could even just do a simple hot beverage sale if you want to keep the event dry and everyone loves tea, coffee, and hot chocolate!

  1. Holiday Gift Wrapping Party/Service

Some people take great pleasure in wrapping gifts during the holidays and others would pay someone to do it to avoid it all together, so why not arrange a gift wrapping service where volunteers will wrap gifts and the proceeds will go to charity. Encourage this throughout your local community and you have a great fundraiser!

  1. Sledging or Ice-skating Event

Another family favourite, why not host a sledge race or evening ice-skating? Families love to spend quality time together, especially throughout the festive season, so charge for entry to the event and collect donations and everyone will have fun.

  1. Snowman/Snow Fort Building Contest

Register participants for a snowman or snow fort competition and get guests to vote for their favourite snowy creation. This fundraiser is so much fun and it gives people a chance to show off their untapped creativity.

  1. Polar Plunge

Often, the craziest events are the most popular so consider hosts a polar plunge if you live by the sea or a lake! You can mix this fundraiser up, just building up to the plunge itself or hosting a running race before (e.g. 5k) with the plunge at the end. Not only can you charge for participation in this event, but you can also help registrants set up their own fundraising pages too.

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