How to Encourage Your Supporters to Give Monthly


Creative and Strategic Director - Passionate about working with charities to ensure effective communication with users, supportes and other stakeholders.
Picture of Matt


Creative and Strategic Director - Passionate about working with charities to ensure effective communication with users, supportes and other stakeholders.

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Monthly giving should be something that all charities should be encouraging. Not only does this give charities a healthy and consistent cash flow that they can use to run the organisation and plan for the future but it also offers them a range of other benefits (see our blog on Why Your Charity Needs to Encourage Direct Debit Giving!).

With benefits to both to the charity and the donor, the question then becomes “how.” How do you encourage supporters to donate to you monthly? This article gives you some quick tips and information.

What exactly is Direct Debit giving?

A Direct Debit is where a donor is authorising you to collect the donation from their bank account. Unlike a standing order, they don’t have to set up the payments themselves, so it is a effortless way to give for them and it gives your charity the power to start receiving donations quicker.


A Direct Debit can be set up via a bank, a bureau or online software such as GoCardless. Online software is one of the best methods to use as the whole process can be automated and easily and efficiently managed, as well as giving the donor the option to sign up and manage payments themselves if they wish. This method also offers much lower transaction costs for charities.

Ways to encourage your supporters to give via Direct Debit

Many charities are afraid of scaring potential donors off by encouraging Direct Debit giving, but in actual fact, many people are actually more willing to give little and often. Here are some ways that you can encourage supporters to give in this way:

  1. Inform them of the option – simply knowing that this method of giving exists makes more people choose Direct Debit giving than if you didn’t advertise it at all. Tell them that Direct Debit giving is quick, easy, and more secure and you’ll be surprised by how many people will want to use this method.
  2. Give them an incentive to donate via Direct Debit – tell people that this way of giving is more beneficial and results in more money going towards the cause due to lower transaction fees. Highlight the importance of consistent donations and people will want to make more of an impact with their contributions.
  3. Promote it in your marketing – let donors know about this method by simply adding it to your donation form, your website, your newsletters and emails, and your social media channels.  People will be interested in this convenient online donation method that you offer.
  4. Make it incredibly easy to set up – the easier you make donating, the more donations you will get. Consider using online software such as GoCardless to make payments quick, effortless and easy to manage.

Take control of your cash flow!

By offering Direct Debit giving, you are giving your supporters the flexibility to donate how they want and this will encourage them to keep giving to your organisation for the long-term. All you have to do is inform them of this quick and secure payment option and highlight how much more beneficial giving little and often is.

People will be more than happy to help in this way and it will let you take control of your cash flow!

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