Graphic Design for Charities

Visuals That Resonate

When you don’t need creative magic, just design that gets done.

Straightforward, everyday design jobs that underpin and enhance your marketing strategy. Whether you need a brochure, business cards, an exhibition stand or collection boxes, we’ll help you stand out, cut through, and connect on an emotional level.

Looking for help with day-to-day charity graphic design work? Let’s talk.

First Impressions Count

Clear visual communications are key to making a great first impression.

By breaking down complex issues into something smaller and simpler, they’re highly memorable too, searing themselves into the consciousness of prospective donors sympathetic to your cause.
And once you’ve won that attention, a distinctive brand and regular communications ensures you retain it, building trust and furthering your credibility moving forward.
The result is a regular flow of donations – the financial lifeblood that your vital work relies upon.

First Impressions Count

Clear visual communications are key to making a great first impression.

By breaking down complex issues into something smaller and simpler, they’re highly memorable too, searing themselves into the consciousness of prospective donors sympathetic to your cause.

And once you’ve won that attention, a distinctive brand and regular communications ensures you retain it, building trust and furthering your credibility moving forward.

The result is a regular flow of donations – the financial lifeblood that your vital work relies upon.

Right First Time

Bad design doesn’t just hurt your eyes.

It hurts your finances too, when you’re already trying to do more with less.

Yes, it’s tempting to cut corners to save money, but unsuitable images and clunky messaging deter potential supporters.

And if your outreach lacks professionalism, what does that say about how well you’re run?

Lacklustre campaigns fizzle out.

Printed materials get pulped.

And the next thing you know, you’re back to the drawing board without any savings to show for your supposedly cheaper approach.

So, let’s get it right the first time around with a professional graphic design service for charities that doesn’t just champion your cause. But saves you money in the long run.

Because design that cuts through the noise, isn’t a cost. In time, it’s an investment that pays for itself.

Right First Time

Bad design doesn’t just hurt your eyes.

It hurts your finances too, when you’re already trying to do more with less.

Yes, it’s tempting to cut corners to save money, but unsuitable images and clunky messaging deter potential supporters.

And if your outreach lacks professionalism, what does that say about how well you’re run?

Lacklustre campaigns fizzle out.

Printed materials get pulped.

And the next thing you know, you’re back to the drawing board without any savings to show for your supposedly cheaper approach.

So, let’s get it right the first time around with a professional graphic design service for charities that doesn’t just champion your cause. But saves you money in the long run.

Because design that cuts through the noise, isn’t a cost. In time, it’s an investment that pays for itself.

Leaflets and Brochures

Informative materials to spread awareness about the charity’s mission, activities, and events.

Annual Reports

Comprehensive documents showcasing the charity’s achievements, financial health, and impact over the past year.


Visual aids for fundraising events, meetings with potential donors, and public speaking engagements.

Social Media Graphics

Engaging visuals for social platforms to attract followers and encourage donations.


Regular updates sent to supporters and donors, highlighting recent activities, upcoming events, and ways to get involved.


Visual representations of data and statistics to make complex information easily understandable and shareable.

Volunteer Manuals

Detailed guides to train and inform volunteers about their roles, responsibilities, and the charity’s protocols.

Stand-Out Design

An ability to literally read our minds and deliver a brand identity that perfectly symbolises our charity’s vision and conveys our important message to a diverse audience range.

– Bullies Out

Take a look at some of the graphic design work we’ve done for charities like yours.

Provide an easy and enhanced user experience

Develop a strong brand image that people will recognise

Look Professional and Credible

Communicate a clear message about what you do

Stand out from your competitors

Persuade supporters to help your cause

Get in touch to discuss your project...

We understand that every project has its own aims and objectives. That’s why we’d love to chat to you about what you are looking for.


Ginger and Tall are able to support your organisation with your digital and print needs. We deliver websites through to brochures.


Take look at examples of work from recent clients. See the range of services we can offer to your organisation.


We are a team with plenty of experience that are committed to helping your organisation tell its story.


Looking for ideas and inspiration? Take a look at our blog for a variety of Charity marketing subjects.


To establish your marketing needs, we offer an initial free consultation, so you can tell us about your priorities and plans.